"Writers aren't exactly people ... they're a whole bunch of people trying to be one person."
F. Scott Fitzgerald
I'm pulling a comment from the 'fact in fiction' entry for this one. TC mentioned a writer's voice and that an editor said his writing sounds like him as he speaks.
I've seen a lot of writers saying they need to "find" their voice for their work. Do we? I guess I never worried about it. I always expected my characters to simply speak as who they are, since I write in close third person POV, and I try to give them their own voices. I never thought about what part of it was my voice. And then someone who knows me well said when she reads my work, it's like I'm sitting there telling a story because she hears me in it.
I would guess that's my voice. *shrug* It's just there and it comes out unintentionally. I've also been told I say things in funny ways when I talk and sometimes others don't quite get it or have to stop and figure it out. I was quite taken aback by that one. I know how to use English, after all! I actually use it properly most of the time. My husband said that was the issue ... I talk like a writer, not like a regular person.
If I write the way I talk and vice versa, I suppose that's my voice and my writer's voice and they're both the same. I wonder now if other writers think there are two different voices -- the natural voice we use without thinking about and a separate voice we use purposely for writing. Are there more voices down there trying to get out? Or is there only one?
An author's voice absolutely sinks into any character's voice since that character IS part of the author in some way. It is also separate from the author's voice.
They have to have their own way of speaking, think things the author doesn't agree with (at least some of them have to), and use references the author wouldn't use in personal life. My character Kate, who is a model and wanna-be actress, is a counter to the main female character, Susie, a dance teacher. Susie's voice is generally soft-spoken with humility and a huge deference for all life. She notices nature in a respectful way and sees the good in people. Kate wouldn't know a hummingbird from a starling and doesn't care. I don't "tell" the reader that. I show it through what they say and how they say it. Their speech patterns are different. Susie is also well-read and uses phrases showing she is, while Kate is very forthright and mangles grammar at times.
They are two completely different voices. But, of course, there is no way to completely remove my own voice. Hopefully, it's much more apparent in the narrative than in the dialogue. Still, using close third POV, I try to keep narrative in the POV character's voice, as well. My readers could tell you better than I can if I achieve that.
Demon voices? Well, I'm sure I have some of those, also. All novels need villains. Let them out.
Book Review:
Wow, that was more like a book attack!
"His essential point is this: Novels and short stories succeed or fail according to their capacity ... to represent, affectingly and credibly, the actual workings of the human mind as it interacts with the real world."
Interesting thought, and that's likely true of literary fiction. However, there are a lot of genre novels out there that have little reality of the human mind interacting with the real world that still are quite successful. Not all readers want something that deep. Some of them only want escape from the reality.
"For the vicarish Wood, sequestered in his chamber, part of the fiction writer’s true vocation appears to be acoustic regulation — the engineering of a mental space in which literary whispers can be heard.
Acoustic Regulation. Of course it is part of our job. I think it's generally referred to as mood and setting. But yes, we as writers have to pull readers out of wherever they are and draw them into our novel's world, providing a separate space in which to crawl. Is that related to voice? I'm not sure.
Jenna watched her husband approach. His chest muscles contracted and expanded in reply to the stretching of his arms, first overhead, then behind his back. He had been working for hours. She had made lunch, which he hadn't bothered to stop for, flipped through a magazine while sitting at the table alone, cleaned the dishes and counters, taken a load of laundry down to the machines in the basement, and was sitting with her most recent novel from the library while waiting for the dryer to finish.
Daniel set a hand on her shoulder while grabbing a glass from the stand beside her chair.
Her eyes traced his arm, fell to his stomach. She loved the warm days when he didn't bother with a shirt.
While reading a descriptive passage from the character's POV, are we really still hearing the author? When you read that, did you hear me as you do in the rest of my posts? Is it my voice that (hopefully) transported you elsewhere, or Jenna's? Or your own view of what you see in the scene that may be different than what I saw while writing it?
It can't be only the author's voice, since all reading is interactive, just as if we're both sitting on the same porch, we're noticing different things and feel differently about what we see.
I'm maybe drifting away from what caught your interest in the review, though.
[excerpt from "Finishing Touches" 2003]
That review was very pretentious. Most of the big newspaper reviews are and I generally steer clear. Using long drawn out wandering sentences to show how many words you know doesn't make a good writer. Telling a good story and making it clear enough to keep a reader pulled in and interested is more important, and most often favored.
That's the problem I'm having calling my work literary. I started Thomas Wolfe's "Look Homeward Angel" a couple of nights ago. It's an American literary fiction classic and on the "must read" list of literary fiction ... but although I enjoy many of his thoughts and some of the interesting phrases, much of it is somewhat ... uh, overbearing. I find myself skimming.
This is why classics have such a bad name. They don't have to be pretentious to be worthy fiction. I think too many critics miss that point.
On your story: maybe journal about the story. Read it and let yourself write anything that comes to mind about it. I'm interested in whether you find out who wrote it.
An aside ... I used your thoughts about demons in my other blog. Maybe I'll edit and add and post it here, also.
I'm very much enjoying the conversation, also. I've invited other writers and readers to try to expand it, but maybe philosophizing about writing isn't everyone's cup of tea, excuse the cliche.
LOL, I'm not sure I know more about it. ;-)
I suppose literary is looked at as highbrow. I suppose my blog title may be turning people off for that reason, although I don't consider myself highbrow!
It's funny how we pervert word meanings to fit our needs. Literary should only mean having to do with literature. Literature is something written, including pamphlets. But both have taken on a highbrow connotation.
I think it's more education than social class, other than that higher social classes have typically been more educated. It's a bit like the chicken and the egg.
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